Let's TAG TEAM a farm bill during August recess
The school bell has rung-- and August recess has begun for Congressmen in Washington D.C. Illinois's elected officals have packed their bags and will be back in their home districts until September 9th. Members are always eager for this recess period because it gives them a chance to visit with their families, connect with constituents, and, in the case of it being an election year, do some campaigning ahead of election day. However, they left town without taking care of some important business—namely, reauthorizing the farm bill.
When Congress returns to our nation's capital in September, there will only be 39 legislative days left in the year. Couple that with a laundry list of must-pass pieces of legislation, and it becomes clear that the window to get a farm bill passed this year is shrinking. With the shot clock ticking, we must keep up the drumbeat and remind our Illinois members of the importance of the farm bill. Here are a few ways you can touch base with your representative to keep the farm bill top of mind this August:
- Attend fundraisers, events, the Illinois State Fair. Elected officials want to talk with their constituents and hear your concerns. Often local events provide you with the opportunity to share your needs.
- Invite for a farm visit. Whether an elected official’s background in agriculture is minimal or they farm themselves, representatives rarely pass up the chance to visit a farm. Let ICGA know if you are interested in hosting a visit and we will work with your congressman to ensure a date is set.
- Call or reach out to the district office. Don’t have the time to attend an event? Stop by our call your congressman’s district office with your concerns!
If we don’t tell our story, someone else will, and with the stakes this high, we cannot afford to slow down our advocacy during August recess. Together, with your team at ICGA, our work will not go unnoticed. Reach out to an office or set up a visit today!