Jun 27, 2018  |  Today's News |  ICGA

As the Senate prepares to debate amendments to their farm bill and the final bill itself, Illinois Corn Growers Association is asking farmers to call both Senator Duckworth and Senator Durbin in opposition to a proposed amendment.


Amendment 3103 would impose an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) Limitation on the Federal Crop Insurance program.  This would reduce premium assistance for farmers whose AGI exceeds $700,000. 


The idea here is that bigger farmers that make more money receive less premium assistance than other farmers.  The problem is that whenever we mess with the number of acres that are enrolled in the federal crop insurance program, we impact all the acres that are enrolled.


If some farmers lose the incentive to enroll in the federal crop insurance program, they pull their acres out of the program which narrows the risk pool and potentially increases premiums for all other farmers.  Though on the surface it seems that only a small number of farmers would be impacted by this change, it is the acres impacted by an AGI limit, not the number of farmers that will drive changes to premiums for ALL farmers.


For more information, click here to read this background document on “means testing.”


Please call RIGHT NOW and tell your Senators Duckworth and Durbin that you oppose amendment 3103 to the farm bill!  Though it will be after hours when you receive this call to action, you can leave a message that simply states that you oppose the Durbin Grassley amendment number 3103.


Duckworth: 202-224-2854

Durbin: 202-224-2152