Throughout July and September, farmers all over Illinois can understand soil health practices that benefit their family farms at Soil Health Partnership field days.
Next Thursday, July 26, from 8 am to 12 pm, Sangamon County farmers can learn about soil health and see in-person examples. The Auburn event is co-hosted by David Moose, a Soil Health Partnership farmer and Sangamon County Soil and Water Conservation District.
The event will include discussions on these topics:
- Catherine O'Reilly, Illinois State University - Water Quality
- Donna Brandt, University of Missouri - Soil Health
- Soil Health Partnership - Illinois Report
The topic discussion concludes with a farmer-led panel to address questions and concerns from attendees. Afterward, farmers will witness first-hand a soil pit to observe root growth and soil properties.
For more information, read the attached flyer.
To RSVP, REGISTER here or contact:
Sangamon County SWCD
(217) 241-6635 ext 3
Not available for this event? Registration is open for the following events. Be sure to mark your calendar and register today!
July 26: 4 PM
Vermilion Headwaters Field Day
Chatsworth, IL
September 4: 9 AM - 1 PM
Kirk Kimble Water Quality Site
Cover Crop Plot Field
Toluca, IL
September 14: 1 PM - 3 PM
Greg Thoren Field Day
Stockton, IL
Find out more about each field day, or find out about opportunities to learn more in other states by clicking here.