Lindsay Mitchell

Dec 18, 2018  |  Today's News |  Public Outreach |  Conservation

Students in Monroe Center, IL, a village in Ogle County, learned about soil health, soil erosion, and nutrient runoff earlier this month through programming provided by Illinois Ag in the Classroom and subsidized by the Illinois Corn Marketing Board.


According to a Facebook post by Ogle-Carrol Ag in the Classroom, Mrs. Green and Miss. Shula's 4th-grade students created watersheds to discover the impact of water runoff. Then they learned measures farmers take to control nutrient loss.



The Illinois Ag in the Classroom program is part of a national effort to help students and adults understand the impact agriculture has on their daily lives and to better connect the farmers doing the farming with the food, fiber, and fuel students are using every single day.  The Illinois program capitalizes on a coalition of ag educators and industry working together to promote agriculture in local classrooms.


Part of the Illinois Corn Marketing Board past funding to this program helped in the development of several Ag Mags, small “newsletters” about agriculture topics that students can work through in class and/or take home to their parents.  Each Ag Mag and AITC lesson is well connected to established learning standards in Illinois.


For this soil health lesson, students were likely reviewing the Soil Ag Mag, which is an interactive lesson with Smart Board Capabilities courtesy of the ICMB.