Act Now To Protect Atrazine

Lindsay Mitchell

Feb 05, 2020  |  Today's News |  Conservation

The Illinois Corn Growers Association launched a call to action today, asking farmers to engage in a reregistration process that could cost them up to $30 per acre if they were to lose the right to use atrazine on Illinois fields!


The EPA recently published their Preliminary Interim Decision (PID) on atrazine.  The PID got a few things right, but still included defective studies, relying on poor science, that can have drastic consequences in future reviews.  Next on the list for atrazine will be the Endangered Species Act (ESA) biological evaluation.  If we can't correct the science now, its hard to tell what the ESA evaluation will find.


Replacing atrazine with any comparable alternative would not be as effective and it could increase your cost of production at a combined expense of $30 per acre!


Tell EPA to get the science right and protect your right to use atrazine.  Comments are due by March 2, 2020.  Send your email today!


Click here to email the EPA