ICGA Political Action Committee Upcoming Events For Members

Lindsay Mitchell

Aug 27, 2020  |  Today's News |  Legislation & Regulation

ICGA Political Action Committee Upcoming Events For Members

Illinois Corn Growers Association (ICGA) members received an ICGA Political Action Committee (PAC) letter this week, asking for their continued support of the ICGA PAC.


The good news is that your association is creative and resilient. We have worked through the challenges COVID-19 presented, making the best of the situation and continuing to reach elected officials with corn farmer priorities and messages.


New legislation, like the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), and opportunities to help livestock farmers, quickly became priorities as the pandemic continued. ICGA advocated for farmers and brought farmer voices to the state capitol.


An ICGA member’s continued support of the PAC allows ICGA access to candidates and members to explain the very serious financial state on Illinois farms.


A secondary opportunity for farmers to contribute to the ICGA PAC will occur in November, if state and local social distancing guidelines allow.  The ICGA PAC fundraiser, typically held the Monday evening before Thanksgiving in conjunction with the ICGA annual meeting, features a steak dinner and drinks, a drawdown fundraiser, and entertainment.  Mark your calendar and stay tuned for additional details.


The annual ICGA PAC Raffle starts in December and will proceed in 2020.  This opportunity to contribute to the legislative work of the ICGA requires no personal contact or travel, making it an excellent opportunity to engage in 2020 whether COVID-19 remains an issue or not.


The ICGA PAC is governed by a committee of Illinois farmers who review activities by Illinois elected officials and rate them on their support of issues important to agriculture.  Officials and candidates who score highly in this rating system are eligible for financial support from the PAC.  For more information, contact Ashley Deal at the IL Corn office.