Lindsay Mitchell

Dec 17, 2012  |  ICMB

For Immediate Release
Contact: Tricia Braid,

BLOOMINGTON, Ill –The Illinois Corn Marketing Board has made a significant contribution to the Kidzeum of Health and Science. The Corn Checkoff has donated $20,000 to assist with the “Farm to Market” gallery.

The “Farm to Market” gallery will give kids a hand on experience seeing how food comes to their kitchen table. The kids will learn how a seed of corn grows into a plant and is harvested and used in many different ways. Whether it is sweet corn for eating, feed corn for cows, pigs and other livestock or corn used for corn syrup or ethanol. For images of the gallery, please visit

"The Illinois Corn Marketing Board is pleased to support Kidzeum's efforts to educate children in fun and innovative ways," said Bill Long, Franklin, IL farmer and District 10 Illinois Corn Marketing Board Director. "We see tremendous value in cultivating a generation of students who celebrate the sciences and understand how to apply them to agriculture. We look forward to celebrating central Illinois' contribution to agriculture with this new exhibit."

The Kidzeum of Health and Science is close to raising enough money to start creating its home in downtown Springfield. The Kidzeum has raised $3.68 million toward its $6.5 million dollar goal. The Kidzeum Board is currently looking to secure a downtown building to become the home of the Kidzeum.

The Corn Marketing Board is a board made up of 15 farmers from across the state, elected by their peers. The board’s mission is to increase the profitability of corn by creating markets for corn and corn products.

About Illinois Corn Marketing Board

The Illinois Corn Marketing Board was established in 1982 to manage the voluntary checkoff investment that corn farmers in the state agreed to implement that year. The farmers that make up ICMB are elected by their peers to serve unpaid, three year terms. The ICMB farmer leaders are tasked with developing and maintaining markets for corn which is Illinois' highest valued agricultural commodity. Find out more about ICMB at and the family farmers who contribute to the checkoff at

About Kidzeum of Health and Science

The Kidzeum of Health and Science is committed to nurturing health and wellness, promoting science education and developing environmental and global awareness through innovative hands-on programs and exhibitions. Designed with a focus on fun and learning, upon completion of its Vital for Our Youth Capital Campaign, Kidzeum will be a multiple-story, with over 25,000 square foot structure in center of the tourist district in downtown Springfield, Illinois – the premier children’s museum in Illinois dedicated to teaching children of all abilities about health and science through discovery and play. Please visit
