RSVP for next week listening sessions
Tara Desmond
The Illinois Corn Growers Association will hold in-person listening sessions throughout the state to help prepare for the 2023 Farm Bill. As a grassroots organization, we value farmer input to help develop our policy platforms.
Each session is free of charge for attendees and will start with a meal, followed directly by policy discussions led by farm broadcaster Jeff Nalley.
All Illinois Corn Growers Association members are encouraged to attend, but an electronic survey is available to those unable to attend an in-person session.
We will continue to schedule sessions throughout 2022, so please check back for future dates. RSVP below for the week of December 13th:
Monday • 12/13 • Edwardsville, IL
Tuesday • 12/14 • Bloomington, IL
Questions, comments or concerns please e-mail