Farmers Meet Representatives During Virtual Hill Visits
Dan Obert
Farmers Meet Representatives During Virtual Hill Visits
Corn farmers met virtually with 17 Illinois congressional representatives over two days in place of their annual Fly-In to D.C.
ICGA board members enjoyed having discussion about our key legislative priorities which include farmers being a solution to climate change, leveling the playing field when it comes to renewable energy and the importance of waterway infrastructure.
Like many other things, congressional visits this year brought special challenges and opportunities. Leaders and staff adapted to accommodate the changes and provided a chance to continue discussion on key topics surrounding ag and having open dialogue.
Some notable moments include Senator Durbin commending ICGA on our efforts to address climate change and saying farmers would have a seat at the table when decisions were being made. Senator Duckworth promoted a brand new program aimed to help small businesses owned by veterans and added she fought to have farmers specifically included.
The day was a success with farmers meeting an overwhelming majority of representatives from the state and fantastic conversations were held with both sides of the aisle putting the focus on farmers and their priorities.
If you’d like to join ICGA in our advocacy efforts, please consider signing up for our Phone2Action advocacy platform. You will receive texts and emails guiding you to contact your respective representative on issues important to corn farmers. Our voices are stronger when they are amplified together!