Ethanol is the fastest growing corn market.


The IL Corn Growers Association tackles legislative barriers to a growing ethanol market, like moving the E10 tax savings to E15 in Illinois to give consumers an additional financial incentive to fuel up with E15. Additionally, ICGA is working diligently for the passage of Next Generation Fuels Ac, which would allow ethanol to be an important part of a new fuel standard, and for expanded ethanol trade.


The IL Corn Marketing Board is updating ethanol infrastructure so that when the legislative barriers are removed, we’re ready to fuel up Illinois!  ICMB also promotes your fuel through programs with local retailers.


find e15 or e85 gas stations in Illinois

ethanol fact sheet

next generation fuels act



Japanese Media Team Learn About Illinois Agriculture

April 25th, 2024  |  Today's News |  ICMB |  Ethanol

In a partnership between IL Corn and the U.S. Grains Council, 12 members of a Japanese media team toured Illinois this week, beginning in Chicago and traveling through McLean and Piatt County,...


Illinois Uniquely Positioned for SAF Production

Haley Bickelhaupt

April 24th, 2024  |  ICGA |  Ethanol

Illinois is uniquely positioned to lead the world in decarbonizing the aviation sector.   The Land of Lincoln is home to the feedstock, geology, production capability, airlines, and tax credits...


Access to Higher Blends of Ethanol During Summer Months a Win for Illinoisans

April 19th, 2024  |  Today's News |  ICGA |  Ethanol

Upon hearing the U.S. EPA announcement that it will issue a temporary waiver allowing access to lower-cost, lower-emission E15, the IL Corn Growers Association President Dave Rylander from...
